We want to play our part in leaving a better world for our children

Grexel is a part of the solution
Our mission is to enable an environmentally and economically sustainable and fair society. We do that by markets that steer the economy in the right direction. We believe that well designed renewable energy and environmental commodities are an important building block of a cleaner, safer and healthier world for our kids.
Our clients are committed to building those markets. We work daily with governmentally appointed issuing bodies and private scheme operators to ensure reliable energy tracking.

Our story
We have enabled a green economy since 2001. Our commitment to improving the infrastructure of a green economy is reflected in our core offering, our registry platforms. Throughout the years we have also had the privilege to support our customers in the creation of Certification Schemes. We have also extended our offering to Guarantees of Origin auction platforms. This marketplace aspect was further strengthened through Grexel joining EEX Group in the beginning of 2019. As the green transition is accelerating, we are looking forward to delivering innovative and top-of-the line products and services also in the years to come. .