Walking the talk
Sustainability is in the core of our mission, and we take action to show it. We compensate our carbon footprint. We also provide our employees with benefits supporting their sustainable lifestyle.
We also contribute to the surrounding society in a positive way. Our tradition is to donate our Christmas greeting funds to the protection of the Baltic Sea.
Carbon footprint compensation
We practice what we preach. That’s why we are working hard to minimize our carbon footprint. All energy used in our office in Helsinki, including heating, cooling and electricity, is completely renewable. Grexel has compensated the company’s carbon footprint throughout the whole value chain since 2012. Also, all employees’ home electricity use is greened every year by Grexel using Guarantees of Origin.
From 2012 to 2018 we used the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) to calculate our emissions. The GHG protocol is a widely recognized tool for governments and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage their greenhouse gas emissions.
After joining EEX in 2019, we have adopted the EEX emissions compensation scheme. EEX offsets the produced greenhouse gas emissions through high-quality carbon offset credits.
In 2019 EEX compensated for 1 063 tonnes of CO2-emissions. This also included Grexel’s share. More information on the compensation is found in the certificate of Retirement of Emissions Certificates here.
Our GHG Emission Inventory reports 2012-2018 can be found below:
Grexel GHG Report 2018
Grexel GHG Report 2017
Grexel GHG Report 2016
Grexel GHG Report 2015
Grexel GHG Report 2014
Grexel GHG Report 2013
Grexel GHG Report 2012