Helping our customers to be part of the solutions

Grexel’s offering include central registry systems, consulting and marketplaces. Registries are available as a Service or dedicated instance, both of which can be customized according to the needs of the market. Consulting services include helping authorities and private scheme holders to set up certification schemes compatible with international standards, and designing market rules. Marketplace can be an auction service where government or a major producer sells certificates or for example an exclusive market pool where buyers and sellers meet.

Registry Services
Central registries for energy certificates, guarantees of origin, emission allowances and other commodities. Registries are available as a Service, Dedicated Registry, or as an all-inclusive Full Registry Operation.

Integration services
For organizations wishing to integrate and automate with G-REX via API

Help in designing a certification scheme, adapting to international standards, drafting rules for disclosure or for example developing and calculation of a residual mix.

Enable market by providing a place where buyer and sellers meet. Our services include auctioning technology, white label auctioning service, and operation of auctions including Delivery Versus Payment.

Additional Services
Certification scheme design
EEX Group Services
ECC clearing and settlement