Auction solutions

Bringing liquidity together

Building liquidity

Auctions of Guarantees of Origin are becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Several Issuing Bodies already auction for instance their domain’s subsidized production in public auctions. Grexel provides Issuing Bodies and commercial actors with the tools to do this.

There is no energy certificate trading without a marketplace.  Deals can be made bilaterally with market actors buying and selling at an agreed price. They can also take place on a buy and sell board, where current levels of supply and demand are published.

Another option is organized auctions. They gather liquidity and establish a public reference price for the commodity. On auction platforms, trade can be facilitated with the use of a Payment Versus Delivery – solution (PVD). PVD establishes anonymity and eliminates counterparty risks. Grexel offers technical solutions and consulting to help set up certificate auctions and operate them with ease.

Grexel Offering

Grexel Auction Service

Operating auctions for customers
Onboarding of participants
Setting up auctions
Delivery versus payment
Publication of results

Grexel Auction Platform

Easy to use
One-to-many or many-to-many auctions
White label - customer brand can be used
Multiple Auction types supported
Modern and secure technology, open APIs

For more information, contact

Markus Klimscheffskij



+358 9 4241 3160
