
Why should you get excited about the changes in the Guarantees of Origin –landscape?

Laura Malinen and Martin Aalto discuss changes in the Guarantees of Origin-landscape.

Hurray for thirty seamlessly integrated Guarantee of Origin domains in Europe!

European Guarantees of Origin are seamlessly integrated, thanks to European co-operation. In this blog Grexel CEO Markus Klimscheffskij discusses the road to this integration.

The role of Guarantees of Origin in reaching sustainability targets

How does the Guarantee of Origin help to reach sustainability targets?

What if the earth was a fast-loan company?

As the GO system extends, there is a need for new IT systems to handle these new energy carriers. This creates a need for their purchase, which can mean a large investment per each energy carrier. As the market is emerging, the payback periods of these investments risk becoming long.

Emission accountability bridges the gap between the Glasgow COP and our everyday life

As the GO system extends, there is a need for new IT systems to handle these new energy carriers. This creates a need for their purchase, which can mean a large investment per each energy carrier. As the market is emerging, the payback periods of these investments risk becoming long.

Achieving the renewable pledges of COP26

How can the GO help achieve the renewable pledges of COP26?

GOs for new energy carriers are coming

As the GO system extends, there is a need for new IT systems to handle these new energy carriers. This creates a need for their purchase, which can mean a large investment per each energy carrier. As the market is emerging, the payback periods of these investments risk becoming long.
Marika Timlin-de Vicente