
Enabling green economy through accessibility
Joel Kauppi explains, why accessibility is the starting point of our system design.

Guarantees of origin increasingly interest the private sector
Laura Malinen and Antti Kuronen look at the future of European Guarantees of Origin from the perspective of private sector.

The game changer
Shanmugam Chinnappa explains what's under the hood of our next generation registry.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y? – Additionality
This post is about additionality. It gets a bit theoretical in the beginning, but persistent readers are rewarded at the end with a simple conceptual model to analyse additionality in the realm of energy certificates.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y? – Regulation
This post discusses the importance of understanding surrounding regulation. This part is a bit longer, more technical and, sorry about it, probably also more burdensome to read than the previous ones.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y? – Uniqueness
This series of blog posts discusses the various aspects of using tradable energy attribute certificates to green the energy usage and reduce the carbon footprint. This post discusses the concept and importance of uniqueness.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y?
This series of blog posts discusses the various aspects of using tradable energy attribute certificates to green the energy usage and reduce the carbon footprint. This post is the first in the series and introduces the topic.