Grexel is Prepared for Coronavirus

Grexel is Prepared for Coronavirus

We want to communicate our commitment to business continuity while at the same time, ensuring the health and safety of our customers, partners and employees.

As for general corona preparations, Grexel will continue operating pretty much normally and do not expect any disruption in important services. Naturally, we continue to closely monitor and follow recommended practices around the situation from the local authorities, the World Health Organization and CDC.

We and our important subcontractors have made the necessary preparations to keep services running even in case of being severely hit by the virus:

  • All business travel is cancelled for the time being
  • Remote work capability has been raised and people are asked to stay home. Everybody is now able to work remotely.
  • Certain key production support functions have been merged across the systems to improve resilience. Required documentation and knowledge transfer done. No zones of confidentiality are, however, compromised.
  • Production support is distributed to 4 countries.

We understand that coronavirus might affect our customers’ ability to support their customers, the users of Grexel registries during the high season of the certificate trading. Because of that and even though Grexel does not normally provide first line support directly to account holders, we are now doing our best to help account holders in technical and use related questions directly via our support portal

As we might ourselves be under heavy workload and pressure depending on the progression of the epidemy, we cannot assume any new contractual obligations but will do our best.