Swiss Guarantees of Origin will soon be managed on Grexel platform

Grexel delivers the new Swiss registry solution for Guarantees of Origin (GO). The work has already started and the new system will go live in 2023.

Grexel is proud to announce that Pronovo will start using the G-REX platform for the management of Guarantees of Origin.

“This marks the beginning of a fruitful and long-term cooperation. We are proud to help Pronovo bring the Swiss GO system into the next century and the RED II era. In the future we will also extend the system to new Energy Carriers and potentially increase the time-granularity of GOs in the Swiss market”, says Grexel CEO Markus Klimscheffskij.

The new registry system will operate in Grexel’s new registry solution, G-REX. G-REX is the next generation, cloud-native registry solution. It has been designed API first to allow easy integration and scalability. It can also be used on any device through standard internet browser. The system is customizable to each domain’s individual needs.

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“We trust our user-friendly design guarantees superior user experience to all users of the Swiss registry. We have already received good feedback on the Issuing Body functionalities and look forward to getting feedback from the Account Holders too, as we roll out the system to more countries”, Klimscheffskij elaborates.

The co-operation has started smoothly. Initial workshops have been held focusing on the design of the new system. The volumes in the Swiss GO system are big. This highlights Pronovos benefit from a modern and scalable cloud solution. The registry will also have state-of-the art disclosure functionalities to enable a smooth and user-friendly process from issuing to energy disclosure.

“The API first philosophy of the G-REX System and the impressive experience of Grexel in similar projects throughout Europe, gives us the conviction that we have chosen the best possible partner to successfully achieve our ambitious project goals”, states Pronovo CEO Thomas Spaar.

Grexel is the leading energy certificate registry provider in Europe headquartered in Helsinki with an annual transaction volume of over one billion MWhs. The registries are used by over ten thousand active account holders in 15 countries. As part of EEX Group, Grexel also helps its customers to design new certification schemes and cope with changing requirements set by international legislation and standards.

Pronovo is responsible for collecting the grid surcharge, issuing certificates of origin and processing the federal subsidy programs for electricity production from renewable energies.


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