
Establishing an Electronic Guarantees of Origin System in Albania

Grexel, part of EEX Group, has been appointed by the Energy…

Hydrogen certification goes cloud!

CertifHy has moved onto Grexel's new G-REX platform!

Winter and sustainability are coming

The future of the European energy system is being decided under tremendous pressure. What role do sustainability and well-functioning energy markets play in the process?

Europe is accelerating on sustainability

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) emphasized sustainability-related themes in their E-world tradeshow program 2022. As EEX we are active in building sustainable markets for sustainable products. This blog presents some of the highlights and addresses some key themes presented in the event.

Use Guarantees of Origin to show your true colours

How can Guarantees of Origin work for your sustainability communications?

The Guarantee of Origin is gaining momentum

The Guarantee of Origin (GO) is gaining momentum. As Europe is striving to speed up energy transition, the use of the GO is also expanding. This blog highlights some of the points we as a registry provider often discuss when we analyze our operating environment.

Guarantees of origin increasingly interest the private sector

Laura Malinen and Antti Kuronen look at the future of European Guarantees of Origin from the perspective of private sector.

The game changer

Shanmugam Chinnappa explains what's under the hood of our next generation registry.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y? – Additionality

This post is about additionality. It gets a bit theoretical in the beginning, but persistent readers are rewarded at the end with a simple conceptual model to analyse additionality in the realm of energy certificates.

Can I Green X with Certificate Y? – Regulation

This post discusses the importance of understanding surrounding regulation. This part is a bit longer, more technical and, sorry about it, probably also more burdensome to read than the previous ones.