The 20-year-old GO about to release its full potential
What does the future hold for the GO?
Raison d’être of the twenty-year-old GO
Why are Guarantees of Origin needed?
How did the GO grow up so fast?
Markus Klimscheffskij outlines the development of the GO system.
Project partnership with AIB
Grexel and AIB have a long history of working together in several interesting development projects.
Serbia – long term cooperation
Grexel and Serbian EMS have a long history of working together.
Tracking of Energy Origin
Antti Kuronen explores if GO system can carry us all the way through the energy transition.
Are consumers driving the energy transition?
Do consumers drive the energy transition?
Where does all the money GO?
Antti Kuronen analyzes the cash flow within the GO system.
Does GO system add value to energy transition?
Antti Kuronen analyzes added value the GO system produces to energy transition.